Home Apps 12 Best Push-Up Apps for iPhone and iPad

12 Best Push-Up Apps for iPhone and iPad

by Wilma Haynes

Best Push-Up Apps

One exercise that is easy and you can do without tools anytime and anywhere is push-ups. To make it easier for you to do this, you can install the best push-up app on your phone.

However, you need to know that fitness apps in 2021 revenue increased by 54% to 5.35 USD billion from the previous year. This proves that from year to year, fitness application users are increasing.

One of the most downloaded fitness applications is the push-up application. It will help you to count the number of push-ups and as a reminder so that you are consistent in doing push-ups. Thus, it will be easier for you to achieve your goals, which are to improve your fitness and strengthen your body.

Best Push-Up Apps for iPhone and iPad

If you are interested in using the best push-up app for iPhone and iPad, here are the recommendations:

1. 30 Day – Push-up Challenge

30 Day – Push-up Challenge

Boost your fitness and health by using this best push-up app. 30 Days – Push-up Challenge app allows you to do push-up exercises for your dream upper body.

You can download this push up challenge app for free on the App Store. By downloading this app, you will run a simple 30-day push-up challenge.

You will do push-up exercises every day with rest days that have been set by the application. So, you don’t need to worry if your body will get tired when doing this 30-day push-up challenge.

For beginners, you are suitable to download this best push-up app. Because, when you first use this application, you only do push-ups with low intensity.

When you have done several push-up exercises, the intensity of your exercise will increase slowly. Through this application, you will endure 6 exercises with 15 push-up variations that are suitable for both men and women.

They are also suitable for all fitness levels and all ages. Then, through this free application, you can track your progress.

Also, you can show off your push-up training results to your friends on social media. Let them know how useful this app is for improving your fitness.

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2. Push-ups: 100 Pushups Pro

Push-ups: 100 Pushups Pro

You can build strong arms and a big chest by doing push-ups diligently. You can practice push-ups with the help of this best push-up app.

With this app, you can practice up to 10 push-ups in 10 weeks. You will do push-up exercises 3 times a week, 20 minutes each.

This application will guide you on how many push-ups you should do. Then, you will also be notified when to take a break and when to continue.

While you do push-ups, you can listen to your favorite music. This best push-up app will keep you motivated to always practice and actualize your ideal body shape.

As time goes by, you will get wins and badges if your plan has been achieved. This application is also integrated with Apple Health so that you can monitor your health and fitness in more detail.

This app has 3 levels, beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Each level has a different degree of difficulty. The pushup tracker app also includes extension guides, stretching videos, and warm-ups.

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3. Push-ups Trainer Challenge

Push-ups Trainer Challenge

This application, which has a rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars, will provide a challenging program. You just press “Start” and the voice coach will guide you.

Through this app, you can train your body to be able to complete 100 push-ups in just 8 weeks. However, this push-up challenge will be adapted for all fitness levels, from beginner to advanced.

You will do push-ups 3 days a week for 8 weeks. When you complete the training you will get badges and awards.

So, it will make you always feel motivated and complete all the challenges in this application. If you are interested, you can use this application for free in the first 2 weeks.

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4. 100 Pushups Be Stronger

100 Pushups Be Stronger

Would you like to be able to do 100 push-ups? Even though it sounds impossible, you can do it because of this best push-up app.

This free push-up app provides a unique alternative training. At each level, the app will direct you to train at a fitness level that suits you.

This will prove to be an effective way to develop your endurance and strength. Even though this application provides a simple program, it is very effective for you.

100 Pushups Be Stronger allows you to do 11 levels from 0 to 100 push-ups. Some other features in this best push-up app are a timer between sets and a cloud service to back up your stats.

Moreover, this application provides a pre-exercise warm-up program. You won’t skip a single push-up for a day because there is a notification feature that will always remind you if you forget to push up.

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5. Pushups Coach

Pushups Coach

Train your upper body and get the ideal body shape with push-ups. If you also want to increase your strength or you want to be able to do 100 push-ups in a row then you can use this best push-up app.

Pushups Coach will help you reach your goals. This app has well-designed push-up plans. That way, you just have to follow the plan of this application and do it step by step. You only need 30 minutes a week.

Then, you will feel the benefits after 6 weeks of following the Pushup Coach plan. This app allows you to track your push-up training and calories burned.

Then, there is also a “Play Music” feature which makes your push-ups even more fun. For beginners, you don’t need to worry because this application provides an introduction to 10 types of push-up postures with words and pictures.

Unlike other free push-up apps, Pushups Coach allows you to create your own workout plan. So, you can make your push-up practice more personal.

Another feature is that it has a passcode function and supports passcodes with Touch ID. That’s why Pushups Coach is one of the best push-up apps that you can try.

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6. Push-ups Counter – Trainer

Push-ups Counter – Trainer

Start doing push-up exercises with your iPhone and iPad for free with the help of this application. By using Push-ups Counter–Trainer, you will get the experience of having a free personal trainer.

This app not only helps you in counting your push-ups but also keeps track of your daily push-up count. There is a statistical feature that will help you analyze the progress of your training program.

Another interesting feature of this push up counter app is “Voice Encouragement” which makes you more enthusiastic when practicing. This app also has a table of average push-ups depending on your gender as well as your age.

So, before starting the exercise, you can see this table in the Help screen. To maintain consistency in exercising, this application provides a display based on the month that helps you find out what days you missed to exercise and what days you did.

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7. 30 Day Push-up Challenge – Arm & Bicep Workouts

30 Day Push-up Challenge – Arm & Bicep Workouts

Want to train your arms and chest for 1 month? You can do it with the help of this application.

At first, you will start easy and will slowly increase in difficulty as you reach the end of the month. This application has a program that is ready for you to build muscle and burn fat.

There are 6 levels of difficulty and find the challenge for each of your fitness. However, the app also has a “Rest Days” feature to allow for muscle recovery.

This best push-up app can track your progress when you complete a 30-day push-up challenge. For beginners, there will be exercise demo videos for each move, ensuring you get the moves right.

There are various push-up movements that you will try through this application, such as wall push-ups, knee push-ups, handstand push-ups, and so on.

Also, you will never forget to do push-ups because the app will remind you to finish the day’s challenge.

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8. 22 Pushups

22 Pushups

Push-ups sound boring but if you do them with this app, you will have a “trainer” who will cheer you up tremendously. You can choose several trainers who will motivate you when doing push-ups.

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The way to use this application is very easy, you only need to put your cell phone under your chest. Then, this application will calculate it for you.

Or, you can turn on Siri and say “Start Workout with 22 Push-ups.” Or, say “Stop the Workout with 22 Push-ups” to finish your workout.

Through this application, you will undergo a push-up training program from 1 to 100. For those of you who are advanced users, you can choose different and challenging exercise modes.

Then, this application will automatically record how many push-ups you have done every day. The best push-up app for iPhone is also integrated with Apple Health making it easier for you to control your health condition.

The most unique feature of this application is that you can record your facial expressions while doing push-ups. Then, you can upload it and challenge other friends to do push-ups too.

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9. PushFit


This is a simple push-up counter and tracker app. You can start your practice by placing your forearms on the ground and under you.

When you do push-ups, the proximity sensor on your device will automatically calculate and record your push-up repetitions. The advantage of this application is that it can visualize your history and training patterns with calendars and charts.

Then, this best push-up app is also suitable for all fitness levels, even for beginners. Another interesting feature of this app is that you can compete with your family and friends on the leaderboard.

Also, you can see the record of push-ups, and set-push-ups through this application. To keep you motivated, you can add your favorite photos to this application.

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10. Push-up Counter – Home Workout

Push-up Counter – Home Workout

Through this app, you can do daily workouts at home with great challenges and personalized workout plans. This is because the app uses specific metrics based on gender, height, weight, and age.

So, you can easily reach your goal in just 6 weeks. This free push-up app also provides advanced training plans to work your upper body.

Another feature of this application is statistical data about your heart rate. Then, you can also sync your calories to Apple Health through this application.

Thus, you can more easily check your daily burning routine, weight, height, consistency, and so on. You can also use this application to calculate crunches and squats.

Therefore, users can select multiple goals, such as building muscle, losing weight, and maintaining health. By selecting a directed goal, this application automatically creates a plan that suits you.

To reach your goal, never miss a day of training. However, you don’t need to worry because this application uses the default reminder system.

This app can motivate you to complete daily fitness challenges and get ticks on daily activities. Moreover, all free plans support basic training and data functions.

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11. Push-ups: 100 Pushups Trainer

Push-ups: 100 Pushups Trainer

If you want to try to feel push-ups guided by a personal audio trainer, you can download this application. The audio trainer in this app will tell you how many push-ups you should do.

Then, you will also be notified when to take a break and when to continue. Moreover, the 100 Pushups Trainer will keep you fit by gradually training you from 0 to 100 pushups in 10 weeks.

Once your practice only takes 20 minutes and 3 times a week. There are 3 levels that you can adjust according to your fitness level, counter, knee, and also full body push-ups.

Another feature available on the 100 Pushups Trainer is stretching and warm-up videos that can minimize injuries. Then, there is an extensive guide for beginners that will make it easier for you to practice push-ups.

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12. Just 6 Weeks – 100 Pushups

Just 6 Weeks – 100 Pushups

This is one of the best push-up apps as it gets 7.5K ratings with 4.8 stars on App Store. This is because this application has a simple interface with functionalities that you can customize.

Moreover, it allows you to choose the level, depending on the results of your physical fitness test. The higher your level, the higher the intensity of your training.

However, you don’t need hours of exhausting practice. Through this application, all you need is 10 minutes three times a week for 6 weeks.

Then, there are also 7 independent programs that you can use in any combination in just one application. There will be a training schedule with reminders so you won’t forget to complete your training program.

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Those are 12 recommendations for push-up applications for iPhone and iPad that you can download for free. Maximize the features in the application and get the body shape you dream of.

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